A Form 23 Pool Safety Certificate is the form issued by a licensed Pool Fence Inspector whose role is to inspect pool the pool or spa barrier determine whether it complies with the standard.
Pool Safety Certificate

Pool Safety Certificates | QLD
If you require a Pool Safety Certificate in Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Caboolture or Sunshine Coast regions, contact Be Safe today

Queensland homeowners with non-shared, residential pools must ensure their pool fence complies with the latest pool fence standards by 1st December 2015.
If residents of two or more dwellings can use a pool, such as a body corporate pool, it is a shared pool. For shared pools, the owner must provide a copy of the pool safety certificate before entering into the lease if a certificate is in effect.
The owner of a non-shared pool must ensure a pool safety certificate is in effect for the pool before entering into a new or renewed lease for a property.
The seller must provide either a Pool Safety Certificate or Form 36 – Notice of No Pool Safety Certificate. The Form 36 is intended to help prospective buyers make a more informed decision about purchasing the property.
Pool Safety Certificates issued by licensed Pool Inspectors
In Queensland, a Pool Safety Certificate is required when a home is sold or prior to being leased. It is the role of a pool safety inspector to issue pool safety certificates on complying pools and spa’s in QLD. If you have a swimming pool or spa and require a pool safety certificate, the friendly team at Be Safe can assist with all your pool fencing compliance questions you may have.
When is a Pool Safety Certificate required?
Rental Properties:
A current Form 23 – Pool Safety Certificate is required before a leased agreement is signed.
Selling a Home:
Home Owners:

Pool Safety Certificates
A Form 23 - Pool Safety Certificate is issued by a pool safety inspector on complying pool fencing. All sides of a pool barrier must be compliant for a pool safety certificate to be issued.

Pool Fence Diagrams
View a list of the QLD pool fencing diagrams and check to see if your pool fence complies. These diagrams are a great help if you are building your own fence, though are no substitute for a onsite inspection.