The team at Be Safe Pool Inspections have the experienced and knowledge to provide you with the right advice and service on your pool fence to guaranteed compliancy each and every time.
About Us
e Safe Pool Inspections is a privately owned and operated Pool Safety Inspection Company with well over 3000 pool fence inspections completed since the Queensland Pool Safety Legislation which came into effect in December 2010. The team at Be Safe Pool Inspections have the experienced and knowledge to provide you with the right advice and service on your pool fence to guaranteed compliancy each and every time. Whether you require a pre-purchase pool fence inspection, compliance advice or a pool safety certificate to sell or lease your house.
What We Do
Be Safe Pool Inspections conduct pool safety inspections and provide advice and assistance to ensure your pool fence meets the stringent Qld Pool Safety Legislation requirements.
Providing a holistic approach to pool safety and the Qld Pool Fence legislation, the inspectors at Be Safe Pool Inspections inspect your pool or spa barriers, fences and gates to ensure it is a safe and compliant pool barrier. If your fence complies with the pool safety laws, you will be issued with a certificate of compliance, known as a Form 23 Pool Safety Certificate that will be lodged on the government register.
If your pool or spa fence fails to comply for whatever reason, you will be issued with a Form 26 Pool Safety Non-Conformity Notice and inspection report. Your report outlines all non-conformity issues in accordance with the Qld Pool Fence Legislation and your inspector will provide in-depth solutions for how to rectify the non-conformity issues.

If you are issued with the non-conformity notice, you will have 3 months to arrange the necessary works required for your pool to comply. Within this 3 month period you will need to have your pool inspected again so we can issue you with your Certificate of Compliance know as a pool safety certificate. This certificate is valid for 2 years for residential pools (the home pool) and 1 year for all shared pools such as resort pools, hotel pool and shared pools in a complex of units or flats.
To find out if your pool complies you will need to arrange a pool fence safety inspection. Our licensed inspectors can provide you with advice on how to overcome problems if you pool is non-compliant. That’s what we are here for.